
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, $V$ a finite dimensional $k$ vector space, $V^{\ast}$ the dual space, and $G$ an algebraic subgroup of $GL(V)$. Let $V_0$ be the points in $V$ whose stabilizer has no nontrivial subtorus (in other words, an extension of a finite group by a unipotent group) and define $V^{\ast}_0$ likewise.

Kac's conjecture $(\ast)$ states (citation below) that the number of $G$-orbits on $V_0$ and $V_0^{\ast}$ are equal.

Has this conjecture been proved? All I really need is that $V_0$ is nonempty if and only if $V^{\ast}_0$ is. I skimmed through the papers in Mathscinet citing Kac, but there are 148 of them, so it is easy to believe I missed it.

Kac, V.G., Infinite root systems, representations of graphs and invariant theory, Invent. Math. 56, 57-92 (1980). ZBL0427.17001.

  • $\begingroup$ Is there a relationship between this conjecture and Kac's conjecture on inverse spectral problem? If we understand the number of $G-$orbits as something come from a eigenvalue and eigenfunction of some special operator. $\endgroup$
    – Hu xiyu
    Commented Dec 23, 2017 at 1:53


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