Given a smooth manifold $M$ and another $S$, consider a smooth function $\psi: S \times M \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, and use this to define $\psi_s:M\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ by $\phi_s(p):= \psi(s,p)$.
Further assume that a dense set of $s \in S$ yield $\psi_s$ with no local optima on $M$, only a single global maximum, and a single global minimum. Then, is it true that for any $s$ for which there are critical points of $\psi_s$ besides the global max and min, these points can never be local optima with negative semi definite hessian?
Assuming compactness of $M$ is ok if needed, as is assuming all functions involved are bounded above and below and analytic (to exclude constant regions).