Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. Let $G$ be a connected linear algebraic group over $k$. Let $H\subset G$ be an algebraic $k$-subgroup. Let $Y$ be an algebraic variety over $k$ and let $y_0\in Y(k)$ be a $k$-point. Let $$\theta\colon G\times_k Y\to Y$$ be an action of $G$ on $Y$. I need a criterion to check whether $Y$ is isomorphic (as a pointed $G$-variety) to $G/H$.
Consider the induced action of $G(k)$ on $Y(k)$ and assume that (1) $G(k)$ acts on $Y(k)$ transitively, and (2) the stabilizer of $y_0$ in $G(k)$ is $H(k)$.
Question 1. Does if follow that $Y$ is canonically isomorphic, as a pointed $G$-variety, to $G/H$ ?
By definition (see Section 5.5 of Springer's book "Linear Algebraic Groups, 2nd ed.) a quotient of $G$ by $H$ is a $G$-variety $X$ with a $k$-point $x_0$ having stabilizer $H$ with the following universal property:
(Q) For any $G$-variety $Z$ over $k$ with a $k$-point $z_0$ having stabilizer containing $H$, there exists a unique $G$-morphism $\nu\colon X\to Z$ sending $x_0$ to $z_0$.
It follows immediately from the universal property that if $(X', x'_0)$ is another such $G$-variety, then there exists a unique $G$-isomorphism $X\to X'$ sending $x_0$ to $x'_0$.
If $G$ is a linear algebraic group over $k$ and $H$ any $k$-subgroup, then there exists a quotient of $G$ by $H$, see Theorem 5.5.5 of Springer's book.
This quotient $X$ is denoted by $G/H$. If $g\in G(k)$, then the $k$-point $g\cdot x_0$ is denoted $gH$.
I am trying to answer my Question 1. Let $X=G/H$. Using the universal property, we obtain a $G$-morphism $$\nu\colon X\to Y$$ taking $x_0$ to $y_0$, and one can check easily that $\nu$ is bijective of $k$-points. Note that both $X$ and $Y$ are nonsingular and, by assumption, ${\rm char}\,k=0$.
Question 2. Does it follow that $\nu$ an isomorphism of varieties?