Consider an action of a smooth linear algebraic group $G$ on a variety $X$ over an arbitrary field $k$, and the quotient stack $[X/G]$. Let $p$ be a $k$-point of $X$. If the action is transitive (i.e. $G(\bar{k})$ acts transitively on $X(\bar{k})$) then we have an isomorphism $[X/G]\cong BG_p$, where $G_p$ is the scheme-theoretic stabilizer of $p$, given as follows. In one direction, send a $G$-torsor $P$ with $G$-equivariant map $\pi: P\to X$ to $\pi^{-1}(p)$ and on the other direction send a $G_p$-torsor $Q$ to $Q\times^{G_p}G$.
This cannot be right, because if $q$ is another $k$-point of $X$ then this implies $G_p\cong G_q$, but I think we only have $(G_p)_{\bar{k}}\cong (G_q)_{\bar{k}}$ (it can happen that $p$ and $q$ are conjugate over $\bar{k}$, but not over $k$). If $[X/G]\cong BG_p$ is wrong, how do I correct it?