Let $A \to S$ be an abelian scheme of relative dimension $g$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$. We have the following short exact sequence on $S$ $$0 \to R^i\pi_*(\mathbb{Z}_l) \xrightarrow{\cdot l} R^i\pi_*(\mathbb{Z}_l) \to R^i \pi_*(\mu_l) \to 0. $$ Taking cohomology for $i=2g-1$ gives $$ 0 \to H^0(S, R^{2g-1}\pi_*(\mathbb{Z}_l)) \xrightarrow{\cdot l} H^0(S, R^{2g-1}\pi_*(\mathbb{Z}_l)) \to H^0(S, R^{2g-1}\pi_*(\mu_l))\\ \xrightarrow{c} H^1(S, R^{2g-1}\pi_*(\mathbb{Z}_l)) \xrightarrow{\cdot l} H^1(S, R^{2g-1}\pi_*(\mathbb{Z}_l)) \to \ldots $$
The group $H^0(S, R^{2g-1}\pi_*(\mu_l))$ can be identified with the set of $l$-torsion sections
I have two questions:
Is it true that the connecting map $c$ maps a torsion section $s$ to the image of the difference of the cohomology class of this torsion section with that of the zero section (i.e. [s]-[0]) in $H^1(S, R^{2g-1}\pi_*(\mathbb{Z}_l))$, in the Leray filtration of $H^{2g}(A, \mathbb{Z}_l)$?
Is there a similar description for $p$-torsions using crystalline cohomology?