In the general case, quiver cycles are of the form of orbit closures of $GL\cdot V_{\vec{r}}$, where $GL= \prod_{i=0}^n GL_{r_i}$ is the possible changes of basis on all of the vector spaces on each of the vertices and $V_{\vec{r}}$ is any representation of the quiver with fixed dimension vector $\vec{r}$. In the equioriented An case, these are well understood by Zelevinsky and Lakshmibai-Magyar by showing them isomorphic to open sets in Schubert varieties. Bobinski and Zwara claim to reduce the non-equioriented case to the equioriented case, but I don't see how they are doing that.
In the introduction to ``Normality of Orbit Closures for Dynkin Quivers" (manuscripta math. 2001), Bobinski and Zwara say that they will generalize the result that equioriented An quivers have the same singularities as Schubert varieties to non-equioriented An quivers. They claim that they will do this by reducing the non-equioriented case to the equioriented case. So far, so good. But then, they say that this result follows from the proposition that they will prove, which I don't see has to do with the theorem at all.
The proposition is about a Dynkin quiver, Q, of type Ap+q+1 with p arrows in one direction and q arrows in the other and Q' an equioriented Dynkin quiver of type Ap+2q+1, their respective path algebras B=kQ and A=kQ', and respective Auslander-Reiten quivers &GammaB and &GammaA over the category of finite dimensional left modules over A and B. The proposition says ``Let A=kQ' and B=kQ be the path algebras of quivers Q' and Q, respectively, where Q and Q' are Dynkin quivers of type A. Assume there exists a full embedding of translation quivers $F: \Gamma_B \to \Gamma_A$. Then there exists a hom-controlled exact functor $\mathcal{F}: \text{mod }B \to \text{mod }A$."
Can anyone tell me how (or if) their results translate into a result that tells me a recipe for constructing a Kazhdan-Lustzig variety from my non-equioriented quiver? (By K-L variety, I mean a Schubert variety intersect an opposite Bruhat cell.) Alternately, is there a way to see which particular sub-variety of the representation variety of equioriented Ap+2q+1 I get out of this theorem and how that is (maybe a GIT quotient away from) a Kazhdan-Lustzig variety?