The cotangent bundle $\Omega_X$ of a smooth scheme $X$ shows up in two places in my understanding of algebraic geometry. The first is deformation theory, where maps out of $\Omega_X$ control the infinitesimal automorphisms, and deformations, of $X$. The second is in Serre duality, where $\det \Omega_X$ serves as the dualizing sheaf and maps into it recover the duals of cohomology groups of coherent sheaves.
The relationship between duality and deformations persists at least as far as the local complete intersection case, where the dualizing sheaf is still the determinant of the cotangent complex.
What do these two interpretations of the cotangent bundle have to do with each other? Can you formulate a relationship that does not require on an explicit construction of the cotangent bundle?