I am dealing with the following problem :
I need to create the smallest possible set $\{(x_i,y_i) \in [n]^2, x_i\neq y_i\}$ for $n$ given, such that :
$\forall p \in \mathcal{S}_n, \exists i,j$ such that $p(x_i)=x_j$ and $p(y_i)=y_j$.
What I tried to do was, for a given set, express the number of permutations covered by all the couples, but then I need to pick the couples so that I will minimize the intersections between the $(n-2)!$ permutations each time.
Has this problem been encountered before, or would you have any idea on how I could find the optimal set ? Sorry if I'm not being clear, I already have problems expressing the problem simply. Thank you in advance !
Edit : An example, for $n=3$ : With the set {(1,2),(2,1),(3,2),(1,3)}, I can cover all the permutations :
$e$ : (1,2) is sent to (1,2)
$(12)$ : (1,2) is sent to (2,1)
$(13)$ : (1,2) is sent to (3,2)
$(23):$ (1,2) is sent to (1,3)
$(123)$ : (1,3) is sent to (2,1)
$(132)$ : (1,3) is sent to (3,2)
And this is actually the smallest cardinality I can have to verify the condition.