I encounter the following problem of the type of degree theory in Hilbert spaces.
Consider the Hilbert space $L^2(\mathbb T)$ with the natural inner product.
Taking Fourier expansion with bases $e^{i2\pi k x}$, we have a direct sum decomposition into $E^-\oplus E^0\oplus E^+$, where $E^-,E^0,E^+$ correspond to subspaces with $k<0$, $k=0$ and $k>0$ respectively.
Next take the unit sphere in the subspace $E^-\oplus E^0$, denoted by $A$, and take the ball of radius one in $E^0\oplus E^+$ centered at $(1,0)\in E^0\oplus E^+$ and denote it by $B$.
It is clear that $A$ and $B$ intersect at one point $(0,1,0)\in E^-\oplus E^0\oplus E^+$.
Now we take the ball $B$, fix its boundary and consider any $B'$ homotopic to $B$ relative to its boundary. The question is:
Does $B'$ always intersect $A$?
Is there a topological degree theory explaining this, or a counter-example? The Leray-Schauder degree theory does not apply to this problem.