I have recently looked through perfect error correcting codes and found the Hamming(7,3) and Golay(23,7). Using a computer program I have found a new 2 bit perfect error correcting code: Code(90, 2). Proof: 1+90+89*90/2=2^12
This code has 5 bits and can theoretically correct any 2 bit errors in an 85 bit message - total: 90 bits.
I have ran the following computer program and I think it confirms that there are no other perfect error correcting codes that can correct up to 10'000 bits of error and have a total length less than 1'000'000.
Can some math prove/disprove the existence of such codes? Are there any other bigger than 3 bit perfect error correcting codes? Does the monster group or any other groups relate to such codes?
int maxn = 1000000;
int maxe = 10000;
long[] sum = new long[maxe];
sum[0] = 1;
HashSet<int> codes = new HashSet<int>();
string s1 = "";
for (int n = 1; n < maxn; n++)
long[] news = new long[maxe];
news[0] = 1;
for (int j = 1; j < Math.Min(n, maxe); j++)
long v = news[j] = news[j - 1] + sum[j] - (j >= 2 ? sum[j - 2] : 0);
if ((v & (v - 1)) == 0)
if (n > j * 2 + 1 && !codes.Contains(j))
s1 += "Code(" + n.ToString() + "," + (2 * j + 1).ToString() + ")\r\n";
if (n < maxe)
news[n] = news[n - 1] + 1;
sum = news;