I would like to have a basic models as a ground truth for the numerical solvers. I am looking for systems which have available analytic solution. As an example I know that the closed form solution of IVP: \begin{align} &\dot{y}(t) = -2y(t)\\ &y(0) = 1 \end{align} is: \begin{align} y(t) = e^{-2t} \end{align} When using forward euler I know that numerical solution is given by the recurrence relation: \begin{align} &y_k = (1-2\Delta{t})y_{k-1}\\ &y_0 = y(0) \end{align} This gives me a way of calculating global error for this specific system: \begin{align} e_k = |y_k - y(t_k)| \end{align} The problem is that the above system may not be "relevant" as a benchmark for numerical solvers. I am looking for relevant ones as it is much easier to present the results in that case. There are articles on this topic such as "Hull et al.: Comparing numerical methods for ordinary differential equations" and "Enright et al.: Comparing numerical methods for stiff systems of ODE:s". The problem is that I am looking for a way to present results using a global error. Is there any similar calculating closed form solutions?
Any suggestions and/or critiques are appreciated.