Let $S$ be a set with $n$ elements and $\Sigma_k= \{ R\subseteq S \mid |R|=k \}$. For $k\le n/2$ how many bijections $f$ are there between $\Sigma_k$ and $\Sigma_{n-k}$, such that $x\subseteq f(x)$?
For $k=1$ clearly the answer is the number of derangements of order $n$. I'm really mostly curious about the case $n=2k+1$, and even then I would just be happy with some estimate or euristic for the answer. Are there "many" such maps, or only a "few"? I have no intuition whatsoever for this.
The question has surely been asked before, at the very least here, where a proof of Berlekamp is also given showing that the answer is not zero. (My original source for the card trick is actually the delightful Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseur's Collection of Peter Winkler.)