Are there some references about tropical cluster algebras and tropical Laurent phenomenon? I searched on Google but only found one paper: Tropical Plucker functions and their bases .
Thank you very much.
Are there some references about tropical cluster algebras and tropical Laurent phenomenon? I searched on Google but only found one paper: Tropical Plucker functions and their bases .
Thank you very much.
Let me suggest Lauren Williams and my paper as a starting point:
David Speyer and Lauren Williams, MR 2164397 The tropical totally positive Grassmannian, J. Algebraic Combin. 22 (2005), no. 2, 189--210.
It's earlier than a lot of the other references mentioned, so it isn't as sophisticated but, for that reason, it is a lot more concrete.
There are certainly things related to tropical cluster algebras associated to surfaces. See Fomin, Shapiro, Thurston,, especially section 9.5, and the sequel by Fomin and Thurston,, sections 14 and 15.
There is also work by Fock and Goncharov along similar lines, see for example (Note that this is much more accessible than some of their work!)