To give an idea of how real-life applications may arise outside mathematics, let's consider a "testing" problem of some sort. I'll set up a problem to solve first, so Sperner's theorem doesn't appear until much later in this post. What I describe is the basic theory behind Intel's X-compact. If you wish, a more engineer-friendly description can be found in
S. Mitra and K. S. Kim, X-compact: An efficient response compaction
technique, IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Design Integr. Circuits Syst.,
23 (2004) 421-432.
So, let's say you've got a bunch of $n$-bit vectors and want to know if they're all exactly the ones you actually want. More formally, you are given two ordered (multi-) sets $S = (\boldsymbol{s}_0,\dots,\boldsymbol{s}_{x-1})$, $T = (\boldsymbol{t}_0,\dots,\boldsymbol{t}_{x-1})$ $\subseteq \mathbb{F}_2^n$ of $n$-dimensional binary vectors over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_2$ of order $2$, where their sizes $\vert S\vert = \vert T\vert = x$ are the same. Your task is to check if for any $0 \leq i \leq x-1$, it holds that $\boldsymbol{s}_i = \boldsymbol{t}_i$, i.e., $S$ and $T$ are completely the same list of vectors.
You may simply assume that $S$ is the list of vectors you asked for and $T$ is what you are actually given. It may sound trivial to check whether a pair of lists of binary vectors are the same. However, if the number $x$ of vectors in $S$ (and also in $T$) is huge and/or if the number $n$ of bits in each vector is humongous, it can be hopeless to check each and every bit one by one.
To make this hypothetical problem more concrete, you may think of a brand-new CPU you, as an engineer, designed. You want to make sure that your newly designed CPU behaves as expected no matter what input you throw at it. Let's say, your CPU has $1,000,000$ input pins and $1,000,000$ output pins. So, there are $2^{1000000}$ possible input patters that may get into the input pins, and you want to make sure that your CPU responds correctly to any possible input.
In this example, $S$ is the list of expected responses to the $2^{1000000}$ possible input patters. And $T$ is the corresponding actual behaviors of your CPU, i.e., the actual output bits from the output pins. So $T$ is also the list of $1000000$-dimensional vectors of cardinality $2^{1000000}$.
Since we have only $10^{80}$ or so atoms in our entire universe, I think it is now clear how absurdly impossible to first make the golden list $S$ of correct responses and then compare actual output $T$ against it bit by bit; if you want to be practical, the size of your golden list better be at the very most in the order of the number of atoms on Earth, not gazillions of times the number of atoms in our galaxy.
The first thing you should do is to reduce the insane number $2^{1000000}$ to something more sober. This may be done by, for example, limiting the input patters to really important ones you definitely, absolutely want to check. Also, because you are the CPU designer who devised the product, you know how wires and stuff are (supposed to be) connected in the CPU, so you might be able to come up with a clever, small set of input patterns to test which reveals all practically important design flaws and manufacturing faults.
So, after all those efforts, you now have a reduced golden list $S'$ of sane but still very large size. (This was already in the order of gigabytes for an ordinary CPU in an run-of-the-mill PC about a decade ago.) So, $T$ is also automatically reduced in size, and now you have $T'$ of very large but not crazy large size. The next task is to reduce the "$1,000,000$," i.e., the dimension of each vector in $S'$ (and $T'$). This is where Sperner's theorem comes in handy (at least in the simplest case).
In an abstract language, what we want to do is devise a good map $h: \mathbb{F}_2^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_2^m$ (where $m$ is much smaller than $n$) and hash each vector $\boldsymbol{s}_i \in S'$ and corresponding actual output vector $\boldsymbol{t}_i \in T'$ to shorter vectors $h(\boldsymbol{s}_i), h(\boldsymbol{t}_i)$ in such a way that if $\boldsymbol{s}_i \not= \boldsymbol{t}_i$, then $h(\boldsymbol{s}_i) \not= h(\boldsymbol{t}_i)$. This way, we only need to compare the hashed vectors, and hence the golden list $S'$ can be made smaller.
Of course, because $n > m$, this is asking the impossible. So, we settle for "being able to detect pretty much all discrepancies that can practically happen." To make this condition more mathematics-friendly, let's consider the situation where your CPU is well designed and very stable against potential fault, so that if there is any unexpected behavior (i.e., $\boldsymbol{s}_i \not= \boldsymbol{t}_i$ for some $i$), the discrepancy between the correct and actual responses is just $1$ bit (or equivalently, if $\boldsymbol{s}_i \not= \boldsymbol{t}_i$, then only one of the $n$ pairs of bits is different).
If this were all there to the problem of testing a CPU's behavior, you could simply use a linear map $h$ from $\mathbb{F}_2^n$ to $\mathbb{F}_2^m$ defined by an $m \times n$ matrix $H$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$ in which no columns are the $m$-dimensional zero vector $\boldsymbol{0}$. Indeed, it is easy to see that for any $\boldsymbol{s}, \boldsymbol{e} \in \mathbb{F}_2^n$ with $\operatorname{wt}(\boldsymbol{e}) = 1$, we have
$$H(\boldsymbol{s}+\boldsymbol{e})^T \not= H\boldsymbol{s}^T.$$
So, our hashing would simply be "multiplying $H$," which shrinks $n$-dimensional vectors into $m$-dimensional vectors. This is very nice because a linear hashing circuit is simple hardware-wise and runs very fast.
Now, the thing is that because modern CPUs are very complicated, you can't always perfectly predict its behavior even if you have its exact blueprint. So, for some input patterns, the correct, expected output from certain output pins are "not determined," represented by symbol $X$. In other words, some bits of some vectors in $S'$ are $X$ rather than $0$ or $1$.
Let's see how this affects our linear hashing. For the sake of simplicity, let $n=7$ and $m=3$. Take the following linear map $H$ defined by
$$H =
Assume that the expected behavior is $\boldsymbol{s}_i = (1,1,0,0,X,0,1)$. Since the sums and multiplications involving unknown behavior $X$ are again unknown (except when we take the product of $X$ and $0$, which would surely be $0$). So, our hashed vector $h(\boldsymbol{s}_i)$ is
$$H\boldsymbol{s}_i^T = (X,0,X)^T.$$
Obviously, because the $X$'s mask two bits in the resulting hash value, we have to detect any discrepancy between $\boldsymbol{s}_i$ and the actual, corresponding behavior $\boldsymbol{t}_i$ by looking at the single surviving bit. Of course, this is impossible because, for example, $\boldsymbol{t}_i = (0,1,0,0,X,0,1)$ gives the exact same hash value as $h(\boldsymbol{s}_i)$.
How do we design a linear hash function that shrinks $n$-dimensional vectors as much as possible while ensuring detection of at most one-bit discrepancy under the presence of unknown bits $X$? Let's focus on the simplest case where the blueprint of your CPU is simple enough so that there is at most one $X$ in each expected response $\boldsymbol{s}_i \in S'$. In this case, an optimal hashing circuit $H$ is given by Sperner's theorem.
To see this, recall that Sperner's theorem gives the size of a largest possible family $A = \{A_0,\dots,A_{n-1}\}$ of finite sets $A_i \subseteq \{0,1,\dots,m-1\}$ none of which contains any other sets in $A$, i.e., $A_i \not\subseteq A_j$ for any $i \not= j$. Such a family is called a Sperner family. The theorem says that for any Sperner family $A$, we have
$$\vert A \vert = n \leq \binom{m}{\lfloor m/2 \rfloor},$$
and that the equality can be achieved by taking all distinct $\lfloor m/2 \rfloor$-subsets of $\{0,1,\dots,m-1\}$.
Now, given an $m \times n$ binary matrix $H = (h_{i,j})$, construct the family $B = \{B_0,\dots,B_{n-1}\}$ of subsets of $\{0,1,\dots,m-1\}$ by defining $i \in B_j$ if and only if $h_{i,j} = 1$. It is straightforward to see that, with this set representation of a binary matrix, the kind of linear hash function we want for detecting discrepancies under the presence of at most $1$ unknown $X$ is exactly a Sperner family. Indeed, the condition that no set covers any other corresponds to the requirement that propagated $X$'s do not mask any possible $1$-bit-wise discrepancy.
So, the condition that the linear map should compress data as much as possible corresponds to the requirement that for given $m$, the number $n$ of elements in a Sperner family should be as large as possible. Or if $n$ is given, $m$ should be as small as possible. Either way, we know the bound and how to achieve it thanks to Sperner's theorem.
Of course, if your CPU gives multiple-bit-wise discrepancies or if there are more than one unknown bit, you need more sophisticated extremal set theory. But the point is that the kind of research related to Sperner's theorem gives a solid foundation of practical problems outside of mathematics like this.