Let $f:X \to S$ be a morphism of complex analytic spaces. Then, just like in the case of schemes, we can define the relative Hilbert and Picard functors. For instance, if $\text{An}_{/S}$ denotes de category of complex analytic spaces over $S$, we define a functor $$ \text{Hilb}_{X/S} : \text{An}_{/S}^{\text{op}} \to \text{Set} $$ by taking $\text{Hilb}_{X/S}(S')$ as the set of closed subanalytic spaces of $X\times_SS'$ which are proper and flat over $S'$.
If $f$ is projective (that is, the composition of a closed immersion of $X$ into $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n \times S$ with the projection to $S$), then is this functor is representable?
I know I can just read carefully all the proofs for schemes and check if everything works in the case of analytic spaces, but I am curious to know if someone has already worked out the details. So this would be more like a reference request.
P.S. Similar questions to rigid analytic spaces.