This should probably be an easy question, but I don't know how to answer it: Suppose G is a finitely generated presentable group. Suppose a is the absolute minimum of the sizes of all generating sets for G and b is the absolute minimum of the number of relations over all presentations of G. Question: Is it necessary that G has a presentation that simultaneously has a generators and b relations?
The case b = 0 is just the fact that a free group cannot be generated by fewer elements than its free rank.
The problem could probably be interpreted in terms of CW-complexes (where the generators give rise to 1-cells and the relators give rise to 2-cells) but, because of my lack of familiarity with CW-complexes, I don't immediately see how to use these to solve the problem.
It also seems to be related to the notion of "deficiency" of a group, which is the (maximum possible over all presentations) difference #generators - #relations (under the opposite sign convention, the minimum possible difference #relations - #generators).