I'm trying to understand the lecture notes comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry of Eschenburg and have a problem about the proof of Rauch I. Let $E$ be an euclidean vector space and $S(E)$ the space of its self adjoint endomorphisms with a partial ordering by putting $ A \leq B $ if $ \langle Ax,x\rangle \leq \langle Bx,x\rangle , \forall x \in E$.
If $A_{i}: [0, t_{i}) ,\ i = 1, 2 $ are solutions of the Riccati equations $ A_{i} ' + A^2 _{i} + R_{i} = 0 $ with $ \lambda_{-} (R_{1} )\geq \lambda_{+} (R_{2} ) $, $ \lambda_{-} $ the lowest eigenvalue and $ \lambda_{+} $ the highest eigenvalue of the self adjoint operator $ R_{i}$, such that $ U := A_{2} -A_{1} $ has a continuous extension to $ 0$ with $U(0) \geq 0 $. Why does it hold that $ \lambda_{+} (A_{1} (t)) \leq \lambda_{-} (A_{2}(t)) $ on $ (0, t_{0} ) $?
Thanks a lot.