To be precise, let the dominating forcing $D$ consist of all pairs $(m,f)$, where $m<\omega$ and $f\in\omega^\omega$, with the order $(m,f)\le(m',f')$ ($(m',f')$ is stronger) iff $m\le m'$, $f(k)\le f'(k)$ for all $k$, and $f'|m=f|m$.
Assume that $a\in\omega^\omega$ is dominating-generic over a CTM $M$ (that is, ($M\cap D$)-generic) and $b\in\omega^\omega$ is dominating-generic over $M[a]$ (that is, ($M[a]\cap D$)-generic).
Q1. Is $b$ then dominating-generic over $M$, a submodel of $M[a]$?
A1. Yes.
Q2. Is it true that $a\in M[b]$?
A2. No, and in fact $M[b]\cap M[a]=M$.
Q3, motivated by A2. Is $a$ in any way generic over $M[b]$?
A3. IDK, and surprisingly this Q does not seem to be an easy one.
Q4. Clearly $a+b$ (termwise addition) is generic over $M[a]$. Is it true that $M[a+b]\cap M[b]=M$? Or weaker, $M[a+b]\cap M[b]\cap2^\omega\subseteq M$?
A4. IDK, ditto.