Let $A$, $B$ be two DG algebras and $D(A)$, $D(B)$ be derived categories of DG-modules of $A$, $B$, respectively. We call $A$ and $B$ are dg Morita equivalent if there is an $A$-$B$ bimodule $T$ with the following properties
- $H^i(A)\cong \text{Hom}_{D(B)}(T,T[i])$ for any $i\in \mathbb{Z}$;
- $T$ defines a compact object in $D(B)$;
- For an object $N\in D(B)$,$\text{Hom}_{D(B)}(T,N[i])=0$ for any $i\in \mathbb{Z}$ implies $N=0$.
We know that $D(A)\simeq D(B)$ does not imply $A$ and $B$ are dg Morita equivalent. A counterexample could be found in On Differential Graded Categories Page 166.
However, we notice that the DG algebras in this counterexample have char$=p$. If we consider DG algebras $A$, $B$ over a field $k$ with char$k=0$, does $D(A)\simeq D(B)$ implies $A$ and $B$ are dg Morita equivalent? If not, is there any counterexample in char $0$?