Let $C\rightarrow S$ be a smooth proper morphism of relative dimension 1, where $S$ is a Noetherian normal scheme. Let $D\hookrightarrow C$ be a relative effective Cartier divisor finite over $S$. Let $D_{red}$ be the corresponding reduced closed subscheme. Suppose $D_{red}$ is finite etale over $S$. Is $D_{red}$ also a (relative) effective Cartier divisor?
The idea is that given a proper curve $X/S$ and a section $g: S\rightarrow X$, we may consider a ramified Galois cover $C\rightarrow X$ over $S$ which is etale away from $g(S)$. The idea is that $D$ should be the pullback of $g(S)$ to $C$, and $D_{red}$ as a scheme should be isomorphic to the pullback of $g(S)$ to the maximal intermediate unramified cover of $X$.
Naively, I would think that it should be, though I really am not sure. I'd appreciate any related results as well.
Thank you.