edit: Added smoothness condition.
The following may be rather trivial, but I cannot seem to find a reference. If $X$ is a scheme write $et/X$ for the category of étale schemes over $X$ and $Sm/X$ for the category of smooth schemes over $X$. Perhaps we may also wish to restrict to affine or relative affine objects. There is an obvious functor $i: et/X \to Sm/X$.
What I am wondering is: does this have a left adjoint?
If $X = Spec(k)$ is a field this is "known", but I cannot seem to find a reference. If $Y \to Spec(k)$ is a scheme let $A_Y$ be the normalisation of $k$ in $\mathcal{O}_X(X)$. Then $\pi_0(Y) := Spec(A_Y)$ is the sought-for left adjoint.
This construction seems sufficiently geometric that I am wondering if a relative version is possible. The obvious generalisation (using relative spec) does not work because $\pi_0$ must be a section of $i$ and not all étale schemes $Y \to X$ are (relative) affine.