For given parameters $a_{1},\dots,a_{k}\in\mathbb{R}$, define the rational function $\phi:\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C}$ as $$\phi(z)=\frac{1}{z}-a_{1}z-a_{2}z^{2}-\dots-a_{k}z^{k}.$$ The domain of its real values $$\Gamma=\{z\in\mathbb{C} \mid \text{Im } \phi(z)=0\}$$ is a union of finitely many algebraic curves in $\mathbb{C}$. I am interested in situations where $\Gamma$ contains a closed algebraic curve, see the pictures below.
Question: Is it possible to deduce a condition in terms of parameters $a_{1},\dots,a_{k}$ (sufficiently general, of course) which would guarantee that the set $\Gamma$ contains a closed algebraic curve? Are there some known results (published papers) related to this topic? Thanks!
Example 1: $$\phi(z)=1/z+10 z+3 z^2-3 z^3-4 z^4$$
The red points are the critical points of $\phi$, i.e., the points where $\phi'(z)\neq0$. The singularity at the origin is not visible. Note the closed algebraic curve in the picture.
Example 2: $$\phi(z)=1/z+5 z-2 z^2+3 z^3-6 z^4+8 z^5-5 z^6$$
Note the closed algebraic curve is again present in this example. (The little error is caused by the singularity in $0$.)
Example 3: $$\phi(z)=1/z+z+3 z^2-3 z^3-4 z^4+3 z^5-10 z^6$$
The set $\Gamma$ contains no closed algebraic curve in this example.