I have problems understanding two (for my research important) details in the Proof of Theorem 4 (page 14) in this paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.1518. Notation is very straightforward and is found on page 4. I expect that both issues are in reality the same problem:
In the first line of page 14 Schottdorf claims: $$S_1=\sum_NN^{2s}||P_N \sum_H \sum_{L<<H}I^+(u_L,v_H)||_{U^2_+}^2\color{red}{\lesssim}\sum_HH^{2s}||P_H \sum_{L<<H}I^+(u_L,v_H)||_{U^2_+}^2\lesssim||u||_{Y^s}^2||v||_{Y^s}^2$$
The line below he claims for $S_2$ (I just plugged in the Definition of $X^s$) $$S_2\leq \sum_H\sum_{H\sim H'}(\sum_LL^{2s}||P_LI^+(u_{H'},v_H)||_{U^2_+}^2)^{1/2}\color{red}{\lesssim} \sum_H\sum_{H\sim H'}(\sum_{L\lesssim H}L^{2s}||P_LI^+(u_{H'},v_H)||_{U^2_+}^2)^{1/2}$$
In both problems some Frequencies are just discarded, that should mean that the corresponding terms are 0 and that is probably because the Littlewood Paley Projectors $P_L$ and $P_H$ are on different Frequencies. However if that would always work then the considererd integral term $I^+(u_{L},v_H)$ would always be 0 which wouldn't make sense. Can somebody help me understand the highlighted inequalities?