I am trying to derive some basic relations for the height and width of the direct product and the coproduct of posets. I feel that these are very basic and should be written somewhere, however, I cannot find a reference.
Short question is: is there a short expression for the following quantities, representing height and width of product and coproduct of posets? And do they hold also in the case of infinite cardinality?
Edit: current status (with help from Harry Altman, David Spivak) of this question:
[resolved] $\color{green}{ w(P\coprod Q) = w(P)+w(Q) }$
[resolved] $\color{green}{ h(P\coprod Q) = \max\{h(P), h(Q)\}}$
[resolved] Assuming $P$ and $Q$ not empty, then $\color{green} {h(P \times Q) = h(P)+h(Q)−1 }$. (For empty posets, then $h(P \times Q) = 0 \neq h(P)+h(Q)-1$.)
[resolved] From a theorem in Berzukov, Roberts, "On antichains in product posets", it follows that the width can be bounded as follows, with both bounds attainable:
$\color{green}{ w(P)w(Q)\leq w(P\times Q) \leq \min\{|P|\ w(Q), |Q|\ w(P)\}} $
Original question below.
Preliminaries Define:
- $C_n$ to be a chain of size $n$. For example take $C_n = \langle\{1, \dots, n\}, \leq\rangle$.
- $A_n$ to be an antichain of size $n$, that is, a set with $n$ incomparable elements.
- $P \times Q$ the direct product of two posets.
- $G_{m,n}$ is a grid; for example $G_{m,n} = C_n \times C_m$.
The height and width of a poset are defined as:
- the height $h(P)$ is the cardinality of the longest chain in $P$.
- the width $w(P)$ is the cardinality of the longest antichain in $P$.
Some simple examples:
Width of a chain: $w(C_n) = 1$.
Height of a chain: $h(C_n) = n$.
Width of an antichain: $w(A_n) = n$.
Height of a antichain: $w(A_n) = 1$.
Width of an $m\times n$ grid: $w(G_{m\times n}) = \min\{m,n\}$
Height of an $m\times n$ grid: $w(G_{m\times n}) = m + n -1$
Is there a simple expression for the height and width of a product and a coproduct of a poset?
This is what I got so far.
For a co-product:
The height must be the maximum of the two heights, because chains belonging to different factors are uncomparable:
$ h( P \coprod Q) = \max\{ h(P), h(Q) \}$
For the width, the widths of the factors sum together:
$ w( P \coprod Q) = h(P) + h(Q) $
This is because I can take an antichain $S_1$ in $P$ and one antichain $S_2$ in Q, and then $S_1\cup S_2$ is an antichain in $P \coprod Q$.
For a product, I am not sure.
For the height of a product I can certainly say that
$h(P\times Q) \geq h(P) + h(Q) - 1$
because I can construct a chain of that size. If $C=\{1,2,\dots,h(P)\}$ is the longest chain in $P$ and $D = \{a,b,\dots\}$ the longest chain in $Q$ then I can construct the chain $E = \{(1,a), (2,a), \dots, (h(P), a), (h(P), b), \dots\}$ that has height $ h(P) + h(Q) - 1$.
I am also not sure if any of the above fails for posets of infinite cardinality.