Prikry forcing can be used to produce a model $V$ of $ZFC$ such that fo rsome cardinal $\kappa$ we have:
(1) $\kappa$ is singular in $V$ of cofinality $\omega,$
(2) $\kappa$ is regular (and in fact measurable) in $HOD$.
Now my question is can this happen with $\kappa$ having uncountable cofinality in $V$. So
Question Can we find a model $V$ of $ZFC$ which contains a cardinal $\kappa$ so that
(1) $\kappa$ is singular of uncountable cofinality in $V$,
(2) $\kappa$ is regular in $HOD$.
Let me explain why Magidor or Radin forcing do not work in general. Let's start with core model $K$ in which $\kappa$ is large enough, and let $V$ be the generic extension obtained by Magidor or Radin forcing to change the cofinality of $\kappa$ to, say, $\omega_1.$ Let $C$ be the resulting club. We can assume all elements of $C$ were regular in $K$.
Claim. $Lim(C) \in HOD,$ where $Lim(C)$ is the set of limit points of $C$.
Proof. We have $Lim(C)=\{\alpha \leq \kappa: \alpha$ is singular, but regular in $K \} \in HOD.$
In particular $\kappa$ is singular in $HOD$.