I have the following system of PDEs that I want to solve as "analytically" as possible:
$$\left(\partial_t + A\partial_x + B\right)\mathbf{u}(t, x) = 0,$$
where $A$ and $B$ are constant, diagonalizable matrices, and $t \ge 0$, $x \ge 0$. For simplicity say we're given $\mathbf{u}(0, x)$ and $\mathbf{u}(t, 0)$. How do I do this?
I first thought to try to solve this with the method of characteristics. This requires removing the $B$ term (right?), so I used the change of variables $\mathbf{u} = e^{-Bt}\mathbf{v}$, so that the PDE becomes
$$\left(\partial_t + e^{Bt}Ae^{-Bt}\partial_x\right)\mathbf{v}(t, x) = 0,$$
where it no longer has constant coefficients. But now I can't diagonalize and decouple the system, right? So I got stuck.
I also tried using the Laplace transform, which allowed me to obtain:
$$\mathbf{U}(t, s) = e^{(sA-B)t}\left[\int_0^\infty\mathbf{u}(0, x)e^{-sx}dx - \int_0^te^{-(sA-B)t'}A\mathbf{u}(t', 0)dt'\right],$$
where $\mathbf{U}$ is the Laplace transform of $\mathbf{u}$ in $x$, and $s$ is the transform variable. I think I may be able to invert this analytically, but wanted to see if I'm on the right track.
Any help would be appreciated!