There are indeed quite a number of definitions of end-points, or of terminal points (the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, sometimes not) of a continuum $X$, as I discovered recently when I was looking into this for a paper myself. Consider the following:
- The condition (W) you attribute to Whyburn: arbitrarily small neighbourhoods whose boundary has only one point. (I hadn't seen this definition before.)
- The second condition you state, which I will denote (F) [as I have seen it in an article by Fugate, Decomposable chainable continua, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1966)]: sub-continua containing $x$ are linearly ordered by inclusion. (Fugate does refer back to Bing, but IIRC Bing does not make a definition for general continua.)
- The definition *(A) for arc-like (also called "snake-like") continua given by Ramiro, which is equivalent to (F) for these continua; there are a number of other equivalent formulations for arc-like continua, e.g. using $\epsilon$-maps or the inverse limit characterisation.
- End-points "in the classical sense": those points $x$ that have an arc starting at $x$, but no two arcs that are disjoint at $x$. Let us call this (E). (I can't remember where this originates, but it is a definition used frequently e.g. when dealing with dendroids, and in particular fans. See e.g. Jacek Nikiel, A characterization of dendroids with uncountably many end-points in the classical sense.
- Condition (M) (Miller, On unicoherent continua, Transactions AMS 1950) every irreducible subcontinuum of $X$ that contains $x$ is irreducible from $x$ to some point.
There are probably others that I am not aware of; I am not an expert. (EDIT. There are some more in the Gehman reference given by Ramiro.)
Personally I tend to use (F) for "terminal points", and (E) for "end-points". Note that (F) is (as noted by Włodzimierz Holsztyński) not a local property, and seems to make sense most for hereditarily unicoherent continua. In this setting, I seem to recall that it is equivalent to (M) - certainly this is the case for arc-like continua. For the triod, there are three end-points in the sense of (M), (E) and (W) but none in the sense of (F).
Note that any hereditarily indecomposable continuum has every point terminal in the sense of (F), while failing both (W) and (E). The endpoints of the limiting interval of the $\sin(1/x)$-continuum are end-points in the sense of (F) and (E), but not in the sense of (W).
More generally, you see (e.g. using the boundary bumping theorem) that any end-point in the sense of (W) must be a point of local connectivity of $X$, so it may make most sense for Peano continua. To get an example of an end-point of a Peano continuum having a point that is an end-point in the sense of (W) but not in any of the other senses, consider a chain of smaller and smaller closed discs converging to a point; i.e.
$$X := \{0\}\cup \bigcup_{n\geq 0} \overline{B}(1/2^n, 1/(3\cdot 2^n)).$$
It would be nice to have a unified usage, but given the long history of the different notions, it is not clear that this is feasible. Likely the best solution is to always make sure the definition used is prominently visible.