It is known that the partition function $$ \mathcal{Z}_1=\int dH e^{-N{\rm Tr}(H^2)}e^{-NV(H)},$$ where the integral is over $N\times N$ hermitian matrices $H$, with the potential $$ V(H)=\sum_{j\ge 1}\frac{t_j}{j}{\rm Tr}(H^j),$$ is related to an integrable hierarchy of differential equations in the $t$ variables. This can be reduced to eigenvalues as $$ \mathcal{Z}_1\propto\int_{-\infty}^\infty dx \Delta^2(x)\prod_j e^{-Nx_j^2}e^{-NV(x_j)},$$ where $\Delta(x)$ is the Vandermonde.
Suppose now I change this in the following way $$ \mathcal{Z}_2=\int dM e^{-N{\rm Tr}(MM^\dagger)}e^{-NV(MM^\dagger)},$$ where $M$ is not hermitian and $V$ is the same as above. This can also be reduced to eigenvalues as $$ \mathcal{Z}_2\propto\int_0^\infty dx \Delta^2(x)\prod_j e^{-Nx_j}e^{-NV(x_j)}.$$
The question is: is $\mathcal{Z}_2$ also related to an integrable hierarchy?