Given a lattice $\Lambda\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and a point $p\in\mathbb{R}^n$ outside the lattice, then I known it is a hard question to determine the set $S\subset \Lambda$ of all lattice points with minimal distance (NP-hard in some formulation, right?)
I wonder what is known in case $p\in\Lambda^*$ is in the dual lattices. More specifically for every class $[p]\in\Lambda^*/\Lambda$. I would like to know (or know about) the number of such closest points.
AND I wonder what is known in case $\Lambda$ is a root lattice or a rescaled root lattice ?
Example: For the 2-dimensional triangular lattice i.e. root lattice $A_2$, I checked that apart from $[p]=[0]$, which has by definition always $1$ closest point namely $p$ itself, the two other cosets $[p]=[\lambda_1],[\lambda_2]$ each have $3$ closest points (together the $6$ minimal vectors of the dual lattice with normsquare 2/3)
Thanx for any helpful comments!
PS: If you must know...the multiplicities should count the groundstates of the conformal quantum field theory associated to a lattice and in particular the dimensions of the irreducible representations of Zhu's algebra, which I would like to work with...