I am studying the tree space of Billera and I do not really understand why it is an Hadamard Space. I have already read L. Billera, S. Holmes, K. Vogtmann, Geometry of the space of phylogenetic trees, Advances in Applied Math, 27 (2001) and I do not understand what Billera means with k-fold suspension in the proof of that the tree space is a Hadamard Space:
"In order to apply 2.1.19 we need to show that the link of each vertex is a flag complex. Note that we have already said that the link Ln of the origin is a simplicial complex whose k-simplices are sets of k+1 compatible splits of {0, . . . , n} that correspond to k+1 pairs of compatible thick partitions. Let v be an arbitrary vertex of the cube complex, which lies in the interior of a (unique) orthant of dimension k. This orthant corresponds to a tree with k interior edges, and thus to a set S of k pairwise compatible partitions of 0, . . . , n. If k is maximal, i.e., k = n − 2 the link of v is a triangulates sphere.
We think about it as the k-fold suspension of the empty set.
In general the link of v is the k-fold suspension of the subcomplex of Ln, spanned by all partitions compatible with S. Since this itself is a flag complex, and since the suspensione of a flag complex is a flag. We have proved that the link of each vertex is a flag. Since the Tree space is obviously simply connected we have completed the proof."