A density matrix is a matrix $\rho \in \mathscr{D}:=\{A \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}; A^*=A; \operatorname{tr}(A)=1; A \ge 0\}.$
In Quantum Mechanics it is natural to look at a group action
$\Phi: U(n) \times \mathscr{D} \rightarrow \mathscr{D}, (U,\rho) \mapsto U\rho U^*.$
Now, my quetion is: What is the kind of nicest structure that $\mathscr{D}$ can have and why?
First, I observed that $\mathscr{D}$ without the positivity condition is just something like a affine space, but $\mathscr{D}$ does not seem to be something like a manifold, as $\rho \ge 0$ apparently kind of destroys it.
So is there any interesting structure that $\mathscr{D}$ naturally posesses?
I am curious about the answers