Let $\mu$ be a singular Borel probability measure on $[0, 1)$, and $f\in L^2(\mu)$. Estimate $$\sup_n\left|\int_0^1 \left(1-e^{i\alpha_n x}\right) f(x)d\mu(x)\right|$$ where $\alpha_n\in\mathbb R$ and $|\alpha_n|\leq L<1$.
This is my approach: $$\sup_n\left|\int_0^1 \left(1-e^{i\alpha_n x}\right) f(x)d\mu(x)\right|\leq \left(\sup_n \left|1-e^{i\alpha_n}\right|\right)\left|\int_0^1 f(x)d\mu(x)\right|=\left(2-2\cos L\right)\left|\int_0^1 f(x)d\mu(x)\right|$$ where the equality is thanks to $|\alpha_n|\leq L<1$.
Probably it is wrong, because it should be
$$\sup_n\left|\int_0^1 \left(1-e^{i\alpha_n x}\right) f(x)d\mu(x)\right|\leq \left(\sup_{n,\mu(x)} \left|1-e^{i\alpha_n x}\right|\right)\left|\int_0^1 f(x)d\mu(x)\right|$$ But here I do not know how to continue. Any suggestions please?