The problem that I posted was a much generalized form of what I had in my mind. All I want to know the literature of Hahn-Banach type extension of Lipschitz map. I know only about the result by Kirszbrzun and very few of its development. The main problem is:
Let $X$ be a real Banach space, $Y$ a subspace of it and $f$ a $1$-Lipschitz map from $Y$ to $\mathbb{R}$. Is it possible to get an extension of $f$ from $X$ to $\mathbb{R}$ with Lipschitz constant $1$?
The case when $X$ is a metrizable tvs and $Y$ a finite dimensional subspace follows from MR0737400(86a:46018). But can we say anything about a infinite dimensional $Y$? Let us assume $X=C(K)$, $K$ is compact, $T_2$ (assume metrizable too if you want) and $Y=\{f\in X:f|_D=0\}$ (i.e. an M-ideal) of $X$. Now can a real valued $1$-Lipschitz map from $Y$ necessarily have a similar extension? Will it be unique ?