Wondering about the existence of graph gadget related to coloring (or 3-coloring) odd hole free graphs.
Let $G$ be simple $k$-chromatic connected graph with two vertices $u,v$.
Is it possible $G$ to satisfy:
- All induced $uv$ paths have odd order (even number of edges).
- In all proper $k$ colorings, $u$ and $v$ have distinct colors
- (optional) $G$ doesn't contain induced $C_{2n+1}$ for $n>1$
If this is possible, there is reduction $F$ to odd hole free $F'$.
Replace an edge $u'v'$ by the gadget $G$ where $u'=u,v'=v$ and the rest vertices of $G$ are new vertices.
According to graphclasses coloring odd hole free is NP hard and 3-coloring is unknown.
Computer search suggest small gadgets don't exist (modulo errors).