Suppose $A$ and $P$ are symmetric, positive definite matrices and that we factor $P^{-1}=EE^\top.$ Is it true that the condition number of $PA$ is upper-bounded by the condition number of $E^{-1}AE^{-\top}$?
The two matrices clearly have the same eigenvalues, but $PA$ may not be symmetric. So, I wasn't sure if this still implies that they have the same singular values.
[Apologies if this is a goofy question! Just a potential hole in a proof of preconditioning for conjugate gradients...]
REVISION: The two matrices do not have the same singular values, but numerically it appears $\mathrm{cond}\ PA\geq\mathrm{cond}\ E^{-1}AE^{-\top}.$ I'm totally stuck how to prove this!