I am looking for the integrability condition of the following system of pde:
given sufficiently smooth functions $R_{\mu\nu\lambda}{}^{\kappa}$ on some smooth manifold $M^n$, with $R_{(\mu\nu)\lambda}{}^{\kappa}=0$. This equation is the definition of the Riemann-Christoffel curvature of a given connection $\Gamma^\lambda_{\mu\nu}$. But I am interested in the reverse questions:
Given functions $R_{\mu\nu\lambda}{}^{\kappa}$, with $R_{(\mu\nu)\lambda}{}^{\kappa}=0$, what are the conditions such that they form the compoments of the Riemann-Christoffel curvature of some connection?
If the given functions $R_{\mu\nu\lambda}{}^{\kappa}$ do satisfy those integrability conditions, then what will be general form of the connection coefficients $\Gamma^\lambda_{\mu\nu}$? (When $R_{\mu\nu\lambda}{}^{\kappa}=0$, it is well-known that there exists an invertible matrix field $[A_{\mu\nu}]$ (with inverse $[A^{\mu\nu}]$) such that $\Gamma^\gamma_{\mu\nu}=A^{\gamma\lambda}\partial_{\nu} A_{\lambda\mu}$.)
In Schouten (Chapter III, equation 5.19), it is stated that the integrability condition of (1) are given by the Bianchi identities
$$\nabla_{[\omega}R_{\mu\nu]\lambda}{}^\kappa=2S_{[\omega\nu}{}^\sigma\, R_{\mu]\sigma\lambda}{}^\kappa,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,(2)$$ where $S_{\mu\nu}{}^\kappa$ is the torsion of the connection $\Gamma^\kappa_{\mu\nu}$.
It is clear that (2) involves covarient derivative wirh respect to the connection $\Gamma$ and also the torsion $S$ of $\Gamma$, but to start with no such $\Gamma$ is given. We are looking for such a $\Gamma$. I fail to understand in what sense, (2) is an integrability condition of (1). I'm also not sure, whether to determine a $\Gamma$ satisfying (1), some (skew-symmetric) functions $S_{\mu\nu}{}^\lambda$ should also be given a priori so that the desired connection has also these specified fuctions as its torsion.
Notes: 1. No metric structure is given on the manifold $M^n$.
- It would be great if it can be answered at least for $n=3$.
Thanks in advance.