If for some collection of open sets $\cup_{i\in I} (A_i \cup^* -A_i)=\mathbb S^d$, then is there an $x\in \mathbb S^d$ and $i_1,\ldots i_d\in I$ for which $x\in A_{i_1}\cap \ldots \cap A_{i_d}$?
Important that the question implicitly requires $A_i\cap -A_i=\emptyset$, as $\cup^*$ denotes disjoint union. Also note that I want $x$ to be in $A_i$ and not in $-A_i$, otherwise a suitable version of this statement would follow from Ky Fan's theorem (which implies it even in this form for $d\le 2$).
Of course this problem is very similar to the Lyusternik-Shnirelman variant of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, so I'm sure this has been studied, but I could not find it anywhere, what of course makes it less likely to hold, which I nonetheless believe.