When you don't work over a field your previous experience with field degrees can break down pretty badly because over a ring that is not a field (even over a ring as simple as $\mathbf Z$) a finite free module can be a submodule of another finite free module with the same rank and the two modules don't have to be the same. The simple property that $K \subset F \subset E$ and $[F:K] = [E:K]$ implies $E = F$ for finite extensions of fields is false when you replace fields with other integral domains. In terms of linear algebra, a subspace of an $n$-dimensional vector space with dimension $n$ must be the whole space, but this isn't generally true when you work with finite free modules over rings other than fields.
A counterexample to your question occurs in the simplest case $m = n = 2$ and $D = \mathbf Z$. Try $a = \sqrt{2}$ and $b = \sqrt{3}$. Although $\mathbf Q(\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}) = \mathbf Q(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})$, the ring $\mathbf Z[\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}]$ is not $\mathbf Z[\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3}]$. In fact, the first ring has index 4 in the second. More generally, if $a$ and $b$ are nonsquares in $\mathbf Z$ such that their ratio $a/b$ is also not a square, then $\mathbf Q(\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}) = \mathbf Q(\sqrt{a},\sqrt{b})$ but $\mathbf Z[\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}]$ is not $\mathbf Z[\sqrt{a},\sqrt{b}]$: the first ring has index $4|b-a|$ in the second.
I think it is hopeless to extend the property you read about over fields to other kinds of integral domains in any simple way.