Suppose we are given $(\mathbb{R}^8,\Phi)$, where $\Phi$ is the self-dual 4-form that defines $Spin(7)\subset SO(8)$ (Cayley calibration, see Notes on the Octonians, page 23). Now some 4-subspaces $V$ of $\mathbb{R}^8$ have the property that $\Phi|_V=\pm vol(V)$ (in general it is $\leqslant$ in absolute value).
QUESTION 1: Which is the dimension of the set of calibrated subspaces as a submanifold of the Grassmannian $G(4,8)$?
Now suppose we have a calibrated 8-manifold $(X,\Phi)$.
QUESTION 2: What can be said about the Cayley submanifold? Is there a Cayley submanifold containing a given Cayley subspace at some point? May be quantified 'how many' Cayley submanifolds are there?
Any idea is welcome.