Let $M$ be a real analytic manifold. In the book "Sheaves on Manifolds" by Kashiwara and Schapira it is claimed on p. 127 (without reference or proof) that
the Poincare lemma holds for the de Rham complex of real analytic differential forms,
the cohomology of the sheaves of real analytic analytic differential $p$-forms vanishes in degree $\geq 1$ and for all $p \geq 0$.
Is there a reference for 1.? Why does 2. hold?
Ad 1.: As far as I see, one can prove the first claim as for the de Rham complex of smooth differential forms. More precisely, for $M$ contractible the usual homotopy to $0$ of the smooth de Rham complex restricts to a homotopy of the real analytic de Rham complex. The key point is that one can differentiate analytic functions under an integral sign and that the derivative is analytic again. But to use this result a reference would be appreciated.
Ad 2.: In an other place the authors mention Grauert's result that every real analytic manifolds $M$ can be embedded into a Stein space $X$. For Stein spaces one knows that the higher cohomology of any coherent sheaf vanishes. This might to be a starting point for proving 2. But of course this result cannot applied directly because the sheaves of differentials on $M$ will not even be modules over $\mathcal{O}_X$. Maybe one can work with real analytic forms that have complex coefficients? I am just fishing in murky waters...