If people were asked to do a brainstorming related to the title, everyone would probably come up with dozens of examples. Those could include things as different as
- the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets and all other sorts of fractals
- the j-invariant and other special functions
- the sporadic simple groups (not unique, but almost, in the sense that there are only a small number of them)
- lots of other well known examples...
Obviously there would be no big use suggesting anything that broad. To come up with a reasonably short list, I would like to exclude
- structures that are largely known (your judgment!)
- structures that are mainly defined by some extremality condition (e.g. cage graphs).
Examples for the sort of surprising discoveries I would appreciate to see mentioned here are things like Laver tables (which actually inspired this question) or the Feigenbaum Function, unique solution of the Feigenbaum-Cvitanović functional equation. In this vein:
Which sophisticated structures with easy defining conditions (and whose existence is possibly not straightforward) from your favorite domain would you like to share?