As explained in:
Classification of $SU(2)$ principal fibre bundles over four-dimensional manifolds
principal $SU(2)$ bundles $P_{SU(2)}$ over a four-dimensional manifold $M$ are classified by their second Chern-class $c_{2}(P_{SU(2)})\in H^{4}(M,\mathbb{Z})$. Usually, when solving the Yang-Mills equations $\nabla F =0$, $\nabla\ast F =0$ in $P_{SU(2)}$, where $F$ is the curvature of the connection, one goes to a local patch in the base manifold $U$ and using a local section $s$ one works with the pullback $s^{\ast}A$ of the connection to $U$, and then one solves the equations locally in $U$. The pullback of the connection $s^{\ast}A$ is a one-form in $M$ with values in $\mathfrak{su}(2)$. But of course we have $\mathfrak{su}(2)\simeq so(3)$, so locally one could not distinguish if one is dealing with a $SU(2)$-bundle over $M$ or a $SO(3)$-bundle $P_{SO(3)}$ over $M$, at least at the level of locally solving the Yang-Mill equations for the connection. My question is then, how different is the topological classification of $SO(3)$ bundles over $M$ from the classification of $SU(2)$ bundles? In addition, it looks that one can use a local solution to the Yang-Mill equations of motions for a $SU(2)$-bundle in a $SO(3)$-bundle an vice-versa.