Let a, b and c denote the cosh of the lengths of the sides of an hyperbolic triangle and A, B, and C its angles.
Its area is well knwon to be S = pi - A - B - C .
What is S in terms of a, b, c ?
In J. Smorodinskij, Fortschritte der Physik, 18 (1965) 157 -- 173
I find (without reference or proof)
cos(S/2) = (1 + a + b + c) / (4 (a' b' c')^2)
where a' is the cosh of half the lenght of the side a.
My cumbersum calculations yield
cos(S/2) = (1 + a + b + c) / (4 (a' b' c'))
Where do I find a simple proof of this simple formula?