Let $X$ be a compact topological space, $f_i:Y_i\to X$ a family of continuous maps such that the topology on $X$ is final for it (i.e., $U\subset X$ is open iff $f_i^{-1}(U)$ is open for each $i$, for more categorical formulation see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_topology).
Does there exist a finite subfamily with the same property?
Compactness assumption is necessary here, because any open cover of $X$ gives rise to a family of inclusions, for which the topology on $X$ is final. So, the question above can be reformulated as follows: is it true that a topological space $X$ is compact iff in any family $f_i:Y_i\to X$ which generates the topology on $X$ as the final topology one can find a finite subfamily with the same property.
Thank you for fast answers! I am very impressed. The negative answer means that open coverings are very far from families of maps defining topology. Perhaps, open covering are maps from rather than to the space, like locally finite coverings. My real motivation was to understand compactness in terms of the category of topological spaces. I cannot shape this as a well-posed problem, but nonetheless still hope for a reasonable answer.