This is an awkwardly backwards question, but bear with me here: Suppose I have a graded ring $R$ with unit, which has an invertible element $u$ in degree $2$. The multiplicative formal group law $f(x,y) = x + y + u\,x\,y$ yields a homomorphism $MU_* \to R$. Suppose that I know the following things
- The functor $X \mapsto MU^*(X) \otimes_{MU_*} R$ is a multiplicative generalized cohomology theory (in particular, it is exact).
- The above functor is represented by an $E_{\infty}$-ring spectrum.
What properties can I deduce from this about the ring $R$?
For example: Is it true that $R$ is torsion-free (in each degree)? I vaguely seem to remember that $K$-theory with mod p-coefficients does not have an $E_{\infty}$-ring structure, so this seems at least plausible. Does $R_0$ have to be a subring of $\mathbb{Q}$ if I throw into the mix that $R_0$ is countable?