Just to get the ball rolling, I suggest the following view, which may tell you where to look.
When one "unwraps" a (binary) bracketed expression, one ends up with a system of labeled objects which is sort of a partition, but in some cases the order matters. In any case, one is led to a system of refinements of partitions, where each step in the refinement takes an "equivalence class" and breaks it into two parts.
I suggest looking at the unwrapping process using an arbitrary cardinal, and making the process uniform in the following way, using n to represent the possibly infinite cardinal: one starts with an initial object O and unwraps it into system S, where S has n objects O_i and some arrangement between the objects. One continues the unwrapping by picking exactly one of the objects O_j say, and unwrapping it into a system S' which bears an isomorphic resemblance (taking the objects as atoms) to S. Now iterate this process to your satisfaction, until the totality of objects reached is the right size or the right granularity.
This is a view that can be generalized, but applies to several processes in set theory, topology, and algebra. It suggests to me generalizations of clones in universal algebra, of unwrapping hierarchically defined subclasses of models in set theory, of certain kinds of homogeneity in topological spaces. I don't know what combinatoric insights this view will yield, but you might find it useful in constructing n-ary versions of Catalan numbers for finite n. This view might help in understanding existing generalizations of Catalan numbers, but as I don't know that literature, this view might also confound.
Gerhard "Good Luck In Your Search" Paseman, 2014.12.13