One way to formulate the (first) question you have asked is:
What is the dimension of the arity $n$ component of the free product of $k$ copies of the commutative operad?
Koszul duality for operads gives the following method of calculation (spoiler: I'm not going to end with an explicit formula). Fix $k$ and then combine the terms in an exponential generating function:
Q_k(x) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{a_{n,k}}{n!}x^n.
In order to calculate $Q_k(x)$ we'll examine another, seemingly unrelated question which is easier to answer: Suppose we have $k$ binary functions which are mutually annihilating Lie brackets; then how many distinct expressions can we make from $n$ letters? For $k=1$ the answer is classically known to be $(n-1)!$; then since they are mutually annihilating, the answer in the general case is
b_{n,k} = \left\{
Combining these terms into a exponential generating series as above we get
P_k(x) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{b_{n,k}}{n!}x^n = x+\sum_{n=2}^\infty \frac{k}{n}x^n = (1-k)x -k\log(1-x).
Here we have calculated the exponential generating function for the arity $n$ component of the direct sum of $k$ copies of the Lie operad.
Then classical results about Koszul duality theory for operads assert the following:
- the commutative and Lie operads are Koszul dual,
- if $A$ and $B$ are Koszul dual to $A'$ and $B'$, then the free product of $A$ and $B$ is Koszul dual to the direct sum of $A'$ and $B'$, and
- if two operads are Koszul dual, then their exponential generating series $P(x)$ and $Q(x)$ are related by $-P(-x)=Q^{-1}(x)$ (in formal series expansions near zero).
Together this tells us that $Q_k(x)$ is the formal inverse of the function
Q_k^{-1}(x) = (1-k)x +k\log(1+x).
Of course, $Q_k(x)$ is not elementary but it can be written in terms of the Lambert $W$ function. It's something like the following (but I think I might have made a typo or a sign error, check this formula!)
Q_k(x)=-1-\frac{k}{k-1} W\left(\frac{k-1}{k}e^{\frac{x+1-k}{k}}\right).
In any event, one can use purely symbolic analysis of the $W$ function and a single special evaluation
to work out a series expansion.
For instance, for $k=2$ we get:
x + x^2 + \frac{4x^3}{3} + \frac{13x^4}{6} + \frac{59x^5}{15}+\cdots
which gives
I'm too lazy to check whether this agrees with anything in the OEIS but this series (and those for other $k$), presumably, is well-known and can be cross-referenced there.