Assume that $X$ is a Hausdorff compact space such that $\forall n\in \mathbb{N}$, we have a free action of $\mathbb{Z/{2^{n}}\mathbb{Z}}$ on $X$. Must $\mathbb{Z}(2^{\infty})$ act freely on $X$?
Note that we do not assume any compatibility of these actions with the inclusion $\mathbb{Z/{2^{n}}\mathbb{Z}}$ in $\mathbb{Z/{2^{n+1}}\mathbb{Z}}$. That is: the action of $\mathbb{Z/{2^{n}}\mathbb{Z}}$ on $X$ is not necessarily the same action of $\mathbb{Z/{2^{n}}\mathbb{Z}}$ as a subgroup of $\mathbb{Z/{2^{n+1}}\mathbb{Z}}$.