I'm investigating if and how the positivity or negativity of a multivariable function can be proved. Consider $y_{1},y_{2},y_{3}\in\mathbb{R}$ and the following function $$f\left(y_{1},y_{2},y_{3}\right)=y_{1}\mbox{artanh}(y_{1}-y_{3})+y_{2}\mbox{artanh}(y_{2}-y_{1})+y_{3}\mbox{artanh}(y_{3}-y_{2})$$ where $\mbox{artanh}(\cdot)$ is the inverse hyperbolic tangent function. How can I prove whether $f(\cdot)$ is positive or negative? I have tried to find the critical points of this function by computing its gradient given by $$\Delta{f}\left(y_{1},y_{2},y_{3}\right)=\begin{bmatrix}\mbox{artanh}(y_{1}-y_{3})-\frac{y_{1}}{(y_{1}-y_{3})^2-1}+\frac{y_{2}}{(y_{1}-y_{2})^2-1}\\\frac{y_{3}}{(y_{2}-y_{3})^2-1}-\frac{y_{2}}{(y_{1}-y_{2})^2-1}-\mbox{artanh}(y_{1}-y_{2})\\ \frac{y_{1}}{(y_{1}-y_{3})^2-1}-\mbox{artanh}(y_{2}-y_{3})-\frac{y_{3}}{(y_{2}-y_{3})^2-1} \end{bmatrix}^{T}$$ which becomes equal to zero when $y_{1}=y_{2}=y_{3}=y_{\ast}$ where $y_{\ast}\in\mathbb{R}$ is an arbitrary real number. The Hessian of the function computed at these points turned out to be a positive semi definite matrix. However, I'm not sure whether this solution is unique. Is this a good way to approach the problem or is there another way to show whether the function $f(\cdot)$ is positive or negative? Thank you.
Kind regards,