Suppose $\mathbb{V}$ is the underlining local system of a variation of (polarized) rational Hodge structure over base $B$. This local system corresponds to the monodromy representation $$\pi_1(B,b)\rightarrow GL(\mathbb{V}_b).$$
If the monodromy representation is irreducible, then the local system $\mathbb{V}$ does not have any non-trivial local subsystem and vice versa.
My question is the following.
Suppose we only know $\mathbb{V}$ does not admit any nontrivial sub variation of (polarized) Hodge structure. What can we say about the irreducibiity of the underlining local system? Is it still irreducible or there are counterexamples?
Under the same assumption on $\mathbb{V}$ as above, is it true $\mathbb{V}_b$ is an irreducible Hodge structure for $b\in B$ very general?
Any comments/input are appreciated.